
We Make NetSuite Data Migration a Breeze

A happy business owner after migrating her data over to NetSuite.

Business owners and executives in small and medium-sized enterprises know how vital financial and business data is for successful operations. When migrating to a new software platform, it’s crucial to have a partner in your corner who can protect data integrity during the transition.

At Finlyte, we recognize that timely information is critical for decision-making, so we treat your data like gold when executing the data migration process.

Suppose your organization is preparing to switch from basic accounting software like QuickBooks to the best-in-class Oracle NetSuite ERP platform. You may have concerns about the NetSuite data migration process.

We’re here to answer your questions about how data is transferred from one location to another. You will gain confidence that the migration process will be seamless so that your company does not experience disruptions.

NetSuite Data Migration: How We Simplify the Process

NetSuite is a robust platform with multiple modules and hundreds of unique features. It is a significant change from the software applications you may be currently using. But you can rest assured that data won’t be lost in the platform during the transition.

When you work with Finlyte to execute the NetSuite implementation process, we utilize tools and proven methods to ensure a smooth transition. We also follow a clear data migration strategy that provides your team and us with a clear roadmap for success.

Consider these steps in our data migration process:

1. We inspect, extract, cleanse, transform, and load data into NetSuite. The initial data migration process includes retrieving data from the software applications you currently use, cleaning up the data, removing poor data, and mapping the optimized data to be loaded into NetSuite.

2. We will assist your team with Chart of Account Creation or Reconstruction. We take the data from your previous software application, such as QuickBooks, and use it to create a new COA in NetSuite.

3. We will help your team populate the NetSuite-provided templates for data migration. The NetSuite platform has many templates that make it easy to drop data into preset fields. Thanks to our experience with NetSuite implementation projects, we can simplify your company’s data migration efforts, including template population.

4. We will verify the data in NetSuite. Our team is ready to collaborate with your team to verify the data migrated to NetSuite. Our goal is to ensure that data is accurate and complete.

5. We make a clean handoff to your team. Once the data is verified, we ensure that the data is useful for decision-making. We will train users and other stakeholders on finding the data brought into NetSuite and how to use data to support decision-making.

Ultimately, our goal is to limit downtime during the data migration process. That’s why we spend considerable time working with clients beforehand to ensure everyone is on the same page about the migration strategy. This effort reduces friction during the transition and keeps us on track to execute a smooth transition from your current software application(s) to NetSuite.

Finlyte Offers a Complete Solution for NetSuite Migration

We recognize that NetSuite data migration often creates the most questions and concerns. Business leaders understandably want to ensure that critical data is preserved during the transition. However, handling the data is just one aspect of a successful migration project.

Our team can address challenges during every step of the migration process. We know how to find answers to common challenges along the way.

Consider our entire solution for NetSuite migration that ensures complete success:

  • Engage with your team for project plan development.
  • Begin the data migration process.
  • Continue data migration while other set-up tasks are executed.
  • Set up and configure modules in NetSuite.
  • Provide end-user training.
  • Walk through processes and define workflows.
  • Perform user acceptance tests and plan for the “go-live” launch.
  • Clean up testing and complete the data migration process.
  • Go live in NetSuite.
  • Transition from the implementation team to our “post-go-live” client support team.

We offer unmatched customer support for any and all concerns throughout the implementation process. Working together with NetSuite, we provide you with a personalized and future-proof combination of technology and services.

You don’t have to stress about how your company’s data will be handled or how the overall implementation project will be executed. We simplify the process through our proven approach.

Because we are SuiteSuccess Certified, we represent the highest industry standards in ERP implementation and support services. Contact Finlyte today to see how we can assist your company with the NetSuite transition.